Nora Isabel Adnams (B. 1901): An Introduction
MY MEMOIRS OF DR. BARNARDO’S HOME, BARKINGSIDE, ESSEX 1904 to June 1911 By Nora Isabel Adnams, nee Brazier. ‘We were placed in …
MY MEMOIRS OF DR. BARNARDO’S HOME, BARKINGSIDE, ESSEX 1904 to June 1911 By Nora Isabel Adnams, nee Brazier. ‘We were placed in …
‘Our school hours were our happiest time, the teachers were very nice to us, unless of course we played them up.’ (15) …
During Semester One I took part in the Writing Lives Module, which focuses on exploring working class peoples autobiographies. From the very beginning I …
‘If wet in the afternoon and we had to stay in, we would have word-making, letters cut out in cardboard, but we …
‘For the first time in my life I had money problems to be explained to me and just how much money ran …
‘Well, Husband of mine and you, my children, this is the end of six and a half years of your old “Mum’s” …
‘Never spend every penny you earn, money commands respect, more so now than ever … but at the same time, be generous …
‘The first thing I thought when we went into our OWN door was how small and how crowded, when we were all …
‘Strip them of their wealth, and how would they stand. Many would make a pathetic a sight!’ (17) Nora Isabel Adnams’ autobiography …