Poetry – Writing Lives


Please email Helen Rogers ([email protected]) with any further suggestions.

Alves, Susan.  ‘“Whilst working at my frame”: The Poetic Production of Ethel Carnie.’ , 3. 1(2000): 77-93

Bark, Debbie. ‘Manchester and Early Victorian Literary Culture’, Literature Compass, 8.6 (2011): 404–414 (DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-4113.2011.00807.x)

Blair, Kirsty. ‘“He Sings Alone”: Hybrid Forms and the Victorian Working-Class Poet.’ Victorian Literature and Culture 37 (2009): 523–541 (doi:10.1017/S1060150309090329)

Boos, Florence, ‘Not So Lowly Bards: Victorian Working-Class Women Poets and Middle-Class Expectations,’ Special issue, ‘Retrieval and Beyond: Labouring-Class Studies.’ Ed. John Goodridge, Key Words:  A Journal of Cultural Materialism 8 (2010): 21-37.

Boos, Florence, ‘Class and Victorian Poetics,’ Blackwell’s Literary Compass (Winter 2005) (http://www.literary-compass.com/asp?section=8&ref=487)

Boos, Florence, ‘Teaching the Poetry of Victorian Working-Class Women Poets,’ Approaches to Teaching Working Class Writing. Eds Kevin Binfield and William Christmas, Modern Language Association, forthcoming.

Boos, Florence, ‘Queen of the Far-Famed Penny Post: Ellen Johnston, ‘The Factory Girl’ and Her Audience,’ Women Writers 10:3 (2003): 503-26.

Boos, Florence, ‘Working-Class Poetry,’ Companion to Victorian Literature. Eds. Alison Chapman, Richard Cronin and Anthony Harrison. Oxford: Blackwell’s, 2002, 204-28.

Boos, Florence, ‘“Nurs’d Up Amongst the Scenes I Have Describ’d”: Poetry of Working-Class Victorian Women.’ The Functions of Victorian Culture at the Present Time. Ed. Christine Krueger, Ohio: Ohio UP, 2002, 137-156.

Boos, Florence, ‘Janet Hamilton: Working-Class Memoirist and Sage,’ Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Women’s Writing. Ed. Glenda Norquay, Edinburgh UP, forthcoming 2012.

Boos, Florence, ‘Poetics of the Working-Classes.’ Victorian Poetry 39.2 (2001): 103-109.

Boos, Florence, ‘The “Homely Muse” in her Diurnal Setting: “Marie”, Janet Hamilton, and Fanny Forrester in the Periodical Press.’ Victorian Poetry 39.2 (2001): 255-85.

Christmas, William J. The Lab’ring Muses; Work, Writing and the Social Order in English Plebeian Poetry, 1730–1830. Newark, DE: Delaware UP, 2001.

Christmas, William J. “’From Threshing Corn, He Turns to Thresh His Brains’: Stephen Duck as Laboring-Class Intellectual.” The Working-Class Intellectual in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Britain ed. Krishnamurthy, Aruna. Farnham: Ashgate, 2009. 25 – 48.

Denney, Peter. ‘“Unpleasant, tho’ Arcadian Spots”: Plebeian Poetry, Polite Culture, and the

Sentimental Economy of the Landscape Park.’ Criticism 47.4 (2005): 493–514.

Forsyth, Margaret. ‘Looking for Grandmothers: Working-Class Women Poets.” Women’s Writing 12.2 (July 2005): 259-270.

Goodridge John. ‘Stephen Duck: The Thresher’s Labour and Mary Collier, the Woman’s Labour.’ The Blackwell Companion to Eighteenth-Century Poetry. Ed. C. Gerrard. Oxford : Blackwell, 2006, 209-222.

Goodridge, John ‘Some Rhetorical Strategies in later Nineteenth-century Laboring-class Poetry. Criticism. 47.4 (2005): 531-547.

Goodridge, John. ‘Three cheers for mute ingloriousness!’: Gray’s Elegy in the Poetry of John Clare. Critical Survey. 11. 3 (1999): 11-20.

Goodridge, John. ‘Out there in the night: Rituals of Nurture and Exclusion in Clare’s ‘St Martin’s Eve.’  Romanticism 4.2 (1998): 202-211.

Goodridge, John ‘John Clare and Eighteenth-century Poetry: Pomfret, Cunningham, Bloomfield . Eighteenth Century – Theory and Interpretation. 42.3 (2001):  264-278.

Goodridge, John and B. Keegan, ‘Clare and the Traditions of Labouring-class Verse.’ The Cambridge Companion to Literature 1740-1830. Eds. T. Keymer and J. Mee. Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2004, 280-295.

Janowitz, Anne. Lyric and Labour in the Romantic Tradition. Cambridge: Camridge University Press, 1998.

Keegan, Bridget. British Labouring-Class Nature Poetry, 1730–1837. Basingstoke and Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008 (Intro )

Keegan, Bridget ‘Cobbling Verse: Shoemaker Poets of the Long Eighteenth Century’. The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 42 (2001): 195–217.

Keegan, Bridget. ‘Lambs to the Slaughter: Leisure and Laboring-Class Poetry’. Romanticism on the Net 27(2002) <http://www.erudit.org/revue/ron/2002/v/ n27/006562ar.html> 14 August2005.

Keegan, Bridget. ‘Lambs to the Slaughter: Leisure and Laboring-Class Poetry’   Romanticism On the Net 27 August 2002: 77 pars.

Landry, Donna The Muses of Resistance: Laboring-Class Women’s Poetry in Britain, 1739-1796 Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990

Maidment, Brian. The Poorhouse Fugitives: Self-taught Poets and Poetry in Victorian Britain. Manchester: Carcanet, 1987.

McEathron, Scott, Kaye Kossick, and John Goodridge, eds. Nineteenth-Century English Labouring-Class Poets, 1700-1900 3 vols. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2006.

Sanders, Michael. ‘”God is our guide! our cause is just!”: The National Chartist Hymn Book and Victorian Hymnody.’ Victorian Studies 54.4 (2012.)

Sanders, M S. ‘”A Jackass Load of Poetry”: The Northern Star’s editorial policy 1838-1854.’ Victorian Periodicals Review 39.1 (2006): 46-66.

Sanders, M S. ‘Poetic Agency: Metonymy and Metaphor in Chartist Poetry 1838-1852.’ Victorian Poetry 39.2 (2001): 111-135.

Sanders, Michael. The Poetry of Chartism: Aesthetics, Politics, History. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2009.

Scheckner, Peter, ed. An Anthology of Chartist Poetry: Poetry of the British Working Class, 1830s-1850s. Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1989.

Scrivener, Michael. Poetry and Reform: Periodical Verse from the English Democratic Press, 1792-1824. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1992.

Steedman, Carolyn, ‘Poetical Maids and Cooks Who Wrote’, Eighteenth-Century Studies, 39:1 (2005) 1-27.

Timney, Meagan. “Mary Hutton and the Development of a Working-Class Women’s Political Poetics.” Victorian Poetry 49.1 (2011): 127-146.



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