Nora Hampton (1895-1918): Habits, Culture and Belief
‘On Sundays we were in our “best” cream cashmere dresses with lace in our sleeves and neckline and leghorn hats – cream …
‘On Sundays we were in our “best” cream cashmere dresses with lace in our sleeves and neckline and leghorn hats – cream …
Lovekin did not go in to detail about any activities that he had taken part in as a child which may be …
‘Something more is demanded of the Church than passing pious resolutions on the evil of drink or gambling’ (54) Naturally, Alfred was …
‘A gradual reduction in working hours and a higher level of disposable income for many people throughout the twentieth century created the …
Given the impressive length of Harold Heslop’s memoir, and the clarity and detail in which he writes about ‘life beneath the fields,’ …
Choosing a memoir to study proved to be difficult however it was Emanuel’s story which really captivated me from the beginning. Born …
It was not unusual for the working class of the 19th Century to have very little to no contact with the Church. …
Richard, a miner from County Durham, never states his belief in any definitive way. At no point in the memoir does he …
Alf’s habits and activities revolved around his ceaseless religious devotion. Growing up amidst a South-Eastern countryside community, where ‘Parishes were smaller, more …
As are the roots of earth and base of all; Man is for the field and woman for the hearth: Man for …