Edward Balne (b. 1895) Politics, Protest & Class
The General Strike of 1926 began on 3rd May at one minute to midnight. It was called by the Trades Union Congress …
The General Strike of 1926 began on 3rd May at one minute to midnight. It was called by the Trades Union Congress …
Edward Balne, from an educational standpoint was certainly not self-taught. I have already hypothesized that he was in fact given more time …
It seems to me Edward Balne wrote this memoir primarily to make sense of his long adventure of a life – unbereft …
Edward Balne’s memoir, titled ‘Autobiography of an ex-Workhouse and Poor Law Schoolboy’ was written in 1972, when Edward Balne was 77. It details …
Edward Balne was very interested in his education. As seen previously in Purpose & Audience he was very interested in the subject …
This has been an incredibly interesting semester – I have thoroughly enjoyed the research I have undertaken. This is due to Edward …
I can still vividly remember the day – 4th August 1914 – when the news came through that Britain had declared war on …
Edward Balne’s life was given in service to the army as a trumpeter. This post on War & Memory will therefore have …
‘Drinking in pubs, playing in brass bands, singing in choral societies, betting ‘on the dogs’, pigeon fancying, all were instances of popular …
As Edward Balne was an orphan, the only family he ever knew was by ‘the accident of marriage’, Balne p1, and this …