Alfred Ireson (b.1856): An Introduction
Reading a memoir may be the most intimate of all experiences in the literature world. Like fiction, the reader becomes attached to …
Reading a memoir may be the most intimate of all experiences in the literature world. Like fiction, the reader becomes attached to …
‘If he was late – midnight, or after, he would be drunk’ (1) The family and the home, for Westall, are expressed …
‘There was never any problem to find something to do. There were about four boys in our gang… It was easy to …
Averil Edith Thomas was born on 30th April 1893, in Melton Mowbray Leicester, England. Her untitled autobiography, written in 1973 at the age …
Averil uses her memoir as a way of expressing her rural culture’s beliefs and customs. She does so by recreating numerous celebrations …
Within Jean’s memoir, she often speaks of church. Her mother ‘always attended St. Mary Redcliffe and would slip out of the house …
‘After tea, we played “Postman’s Knock” which always seemed a daft pastime to me – why kiss someone you didn’t love?’ The …
They had…a lot of rotten oranges which they intended to throw at the preacher, but that day my father got converted in …
“Never, in the whole recorded history of mankind has there been such a rapid and complete transformation in the circumstances of human …